Author Archives: Kylee Spier
Wrapping Up Small Business Week
All week long, we’ve been celebrating National Small Business Week in small ways and in big ways. Participating in an event like this is important to us because we are a proud small business, and we have come a long way in the last 10 years. At The Web Guys, we plan on staying small so we can keep thinking big. We’ve welcomed a diverse group into our team over the years, and we all come from various backgrounds. This gives us an advantage we could have never dreamed of. Lindsey Johnson, Senior Client Success Manager, was the company’s 4th employee and has had an unmistakable effect on the evolution of The Web Guys. “I feel a great since of pride working for a small business – especially in the booming tech scene that has emerged in Indianapolis. The relationships I’ve had the privilege of building over the last 5+ … Continued
Top 4 Misconceptions of Facebook LIKES
Time and time again we find ourselves being asked, “Why does my business need to be on Facebook?” It’s quite obvious that Facebook is a social tool for individuals to stay connected, but when businesses were introduced into the mix, some thrived while others fell behind. It’s not easy for all to see the value behind having a company Facebook page, but we believe there are a few misconceptions floating around that need clarification.Misconception #1: LIKES are leads or even potential leads. Very infrequently will a “like” be a lead. It’s confusing, but stay with us here. These individuals that have liked your page are giving you permission to market to them through your Facebook page. This doesn’t mean you will get a sale just because they’ve liked your page. Maybe they aren’t ready to buy, or maybe they just enjoy your social engagement. Either way, LIKES are about building … Continued