email marketing
Goal-Driven Email Marketing: It’s a Web Guys Thing
There are few – if any – businesses that can’t benefit from a solid goal-driven email marketing strategy, and The Web Guys can help you get in on the action. Email marketing services represent an affordable and effective tool for connecting with current and potential customers, but you need a plan. Whether you’re on the hunt for brand-bolstering reviews or are reaching out with promotions, newsletter style info, or both, a focused email marketing strategy can help, and The Web Guys are here for you.
Should I Use Email Marketing? #FAQuesday
Email. Beloved email. When first introduced, email was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Marketers learned very quickly that email marketing was an excellent way to reach consumers. Of course, like all other things that are useful, people began to take advantage of the system. I’m still waiting on my ROI from that $5,000 I sent to a Nigerian prince. Jokes aside, you might be wondering if email is still useful and effective. Isn’t it all just spam that recipients instantly delete? Surprisingly, no. Email is still a wonderful tool for marketers and consumers alike. Here at The Web Guys, we feel that you should certainly be using email marketing. Here are three reasons you should still be executing your email marketing strategy: 1. The World Is Mobile Everyone carries a cell phone nowadays. Google recently announced that over half of its search inquiries come from mobile devices. That’s a hefty number. More and more … Continued
Email Marketing: Dead or Alive? #FAQuesday
In lieu of the recent political debates, we thought we would tackle one of our favorite online debates: Is email marketing dead or alive? I am here to tell you that email marketing is alive and well, and you shouldn’t let anyone convince you otherwise. Benefits of Email Marketing Email marketing is an incredible opportunity to communicate with your company’s past, present, and future customers. We work with clients — large and small — to design, develop, and deploy customized marketing campaigns with messages tailored to boost your bottom line. And the best part is that you don’t have to lift a finger; we handle all of the grunt work for you. When engaging with customers via email, your brand’s message is sent directly to a targeted audience. It’s an extremely affordable service that The Web Guys proudly provides for our customers, and the benefits are unending. I could bore you with positive facts … Continued
Indiana Chamber of Commerce Member Spotlight: The Web Guys
The Web Guys is a locally operated digital media agency in Carmel. It serves various small and medium sized companies throughout Indiana and the entire United States. In business for nearly a decade, The Web Guys’ primary focus is helping businesses by managing their entire Internet presence (Google, Yahoo!, Bing, Social Media, Reviews, etc.) for them so they can focus on their core business. Overseeing one’s Internet presence can be a confusing and daunting task for a business “going it alone.” Pick a trusted partner like The Web Guys and succeed online. We offer a wide variety of digital media marketing services including website design, search engine marketing & optimization, reputation management, email marketing, social media management and mobile. We keep up with new trends on the ever changing Google, Yahoo!, and Bing landscapes, and with new media outlets and Internet launches that are relevant for our clients. Just having a … Continued
E-Mail Marketing: Increase Your “Mind Share”
Keeping in contact with your clients is important no matter what business you are in, but especially so in the services industry. Whether your bottom line meets your monthly goal or falls short often depends upon how much “face time” you have with your clients, or how effective your branding and name recognition is. Obviously, the goal is to establish and maintain contact without annoying your customers with repeated calls. Enter e-mail marketing. We’ve all heard about market share, but what about “mind share”? E-mail marketing is just one of the services that The Web Guys offers that can take the stress and enormous time commitment out of contacting your past and present clients, while still getting your name in front of your customers. Email marketing is a versatile communication strategy, customizable to your business. The core idea is to make sure you are front of mind, and that you … Continued