How to Build Strong Relationships with SEO Clients
In the world of digital marketing, building strong, lasting relationships with search engine optimization (SEO) clients is essential for long-term success. At The Web Guys, we understand that SEO is not just a one-time project; it’s an ongoing process that requires trust, collaboration, and alignment between an agency and its clients. According to, it can be challenging to retain SEO clients because the client can’t physically see the work being done in the background. Read on to learn how we foster strong connections with our SEO clients, creating partnerships that lead to client satisfaction and business growth.
Keeping Up with Organic Search at the Speed of AI
The rapid evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming organic search and digital marketing. At The Web Guys, we’ve seen firsthand how AI-driven algorithms like RankBrain, BERT, and MUM are reshaping how search engines deliver results and how marketers approach SEO. To thrive in this fast-changing environment, businesses must embrace AI, adapt their strategies, and leverage cutting-edge tools to stay ahead of the competition. In this blog, we’ll explore how marketers can keep pace with organic search in the age of AI.
9 Tips for Choosing a Business Name to Boost Search Rankings
At The Web Guys, we understand the importance of the role your business name can play in your digital marketing efforts. So, how do you choose a business name to improve search rankings? Choosing a business name that enhances online rankings requires applying key SEO principles and effective branding strategies. What you name your local business will be more significant in its overall success than you might initially think. According to a 2023 study by Whitespark, your business name is the #2 ranking factor in how you rank online on Google and other search engines. Here’s a guide on how, as a small business, you can choose a business name that enhances SEO and helps your company improve search rankings.
6 Ways to Support Women in SEO for a More Inclusive Industry
At The Web Guys, we believe that diversity in the workplace helps foster innovation, improves decision-making, and creates a more equitable society. A recent article highlighting the gender gap between men and women in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) caught our attention. According to the State of SEO 2020 Survey, men outnumber women by over 2 to 1 in SEO professions. By supporting and encouraging women, we can work to increase women’s representation in this industry. A multifaceted approach is needed to elevate women in SEO and foster a more inclusive industry. Keep reading to discover six key ways to support women in SEO for a more inclusive industry, each with practical, actionable suggestions.
Prevent Google Business Profile Suspensions with The Web Guys
The modern digital landscape requires business owners to maintain a robust online presence to increase visibility, attract new clientele, and connect with community members. One of the most crucial components of an online appearance includes a Google Business Profile (GBP), but navigating GBP suspensions can be challenging. Fortunately, the team at The Web Guys understands the causes of GBP suspensions and can offer actionable fixes and strategies to prevent future issues.
Local SEO: Keeping the Home Fires Burning
You’re a local business – or you conduct business locally – which makes getting yourself out there in front of the local market paramount. The Web Guys knows attracting local customers isn’t just about ad placement – there’s also local SEO to consider. Your local customers are their own unique subset, and they have their own unique ways of doing things. There’s no reason to push a square peg into a round hole here – getting a better handle on local SEO can help extend your reach to the very group you’re most interested in connecting with.
Getting Reacquainted with SEO
The importance of SEO has a way of insisting upon itself. You know it’s important, but you may have lost sight of exactly why it’s such a big deal. Yeah, it’s all about optimizing the search engine, but what does that really mean in the scheme of things? If this resonates with you, it’s time for a refresh, and we’re here for you.
SEO vs. PPC: Getting Down to Business
It’s the age-old digital marketing question – should you be focusing on search engine optimization or pay-per-click advertising – and it’s a doozy. Yes, it would be great if some kind of marketing guru could provide you with a definitive answer that could put all your doubts to rest. But like so many conundrums of this kind, the answer has to come from within. Let’s do a bit of soul-searching.
Top 10 Digital Marketing Trends 2023 – Going Head-to-Head with AI
When we think about digital marketing trends for 2023, it’s almost impossible not to head straight for AI and stop there, but that wouldn’t get us very far on our quest. In fact, a writer over at Search Engine Journal decided to put his trend theories to the test by going head-to-head with ChatGPT – to see if it could out-predict him. Let’s take a closer look.
Master YouTube SEO with Traffic-Generating Keywords
Want your YouTube videos to blow up? Of course, you do, but you may have no idea how to make that happen. Fortunately, there’s a handy-dandy keyword research process you can follow. Gone are the days when video marketing was gravy – it’s become a digital marketing staple, and if you’re missing out, your business is paying the price. If you haven’t dipped a toe in the video marketing pool, it’s time to come on in – the water’s fine, and if you’ve already tried your hand but haven’t found your groove, there are tips for you, too.