9 Tips for Choosing a Business Name to Boost Search Rankings

Posted on: October 22, 2024

At The Web Guys, we understand the importance of the role your business name can play in your digital marketing efforts. So, how do you choose a business name to improve search rankings? Choosing a business name that enhances online rankings requires applying key SEO principles and effective branding strategies. What you name your local business will be more significant in its overall success than you might initially think. According to a 2023 study by Whitespark, your business name is the #2 ranking factor in how you rank online on Google and other search engines. Here’s a guide on how, as a small business, you can choose a business name that enhances SEO and helps your company improve search rankings.

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Achieve Social Media Success with Strategic Goal Setting

Achieve Social Media Success with Strategic Goal Setting

Posted on: April 23, 2024

Social media and digital marketing go hand in hand. Various platforms are invaluable channels for businesses to connect with their audience, amplify their brand presence, and drive tangible results. However, amidst the sea of content and competition, navigating social media for success requires more than just posting content sporadically—it demands a strategic approach anchored in clear and measurable goals to unlock the full potential of social media as a means of digital marketing. Businesses can leverage the transformative power of setting SMART goals to elevate their social media presence and achieve meaningful results. At The Web Guys, we’re committed to helping businesses unlock the full potential of social media through strategic goal-setting and implementation. 

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How Do I Build Social Media Buzz? #FAQuesday

Posted on: September 29, 2015

When it comes to generating online buzz for your company via social media, simply having a profile on Facebook or Twitter isn’t enough these days. To promote and maintain a steady stream of activity — and hopefully conversions — you’ll need to provide consistent, focused social media engagement. Here are three ways to seize control of your company’s social media channels and build lasting rapport between your brand and its followers. 1. Interact At The Web Guys, we’ve found that it often only takes an initial point of contact to get an online conversation rolling. Whether you “like” a post made to your company’s Facebook page by a fan or respond to a negative review, that first step of interaction shows current and potential clients that you value their input. If someone publishes a post to your company’s Facebook wall, letting people know how much they appreciate your company, make sure to thank them for … Continued

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3 Reasons to Own Your Social Media Channels

Posted on: July 23, 2015

Whether or not you’re in love with social media in your personal life, it has become one of the most valuable tools in the arsenal of any modern business. Lively social media channels not only show that your company is keeping up with the times, but also give you an opportunity to broadcast your mission statement in a more intimate, less sales-driven atmosphere.

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Managing Your Complete Internet Presence

Posted on: January 14, 2014

Having a website used to be enough. But the rise of social media platforms and multiple online review websites has redefined what it means to have an Internet presence. Today’s consumers are online more than ever before, and their purchasing habits — even for major purchases like travel and lodging — have adjusted accordingly. From desktop computers and laptops to mobile devices and tablets, the traditional buying cycle has been replaced with customers expecting to engage directly with brands and businesses in a multitude of places — places they choose. “It’s about being available wherever your customers are,” said Roger Laurendeau, CEO of The Web Guys, a web design and Internet marketing agency in Carmel, Ind. “Sure you have a website, but you may just have missed out on acquiring a customer because they found a negative review on a Yelp listing you didn’t know you had, or because they … Continued

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Indiana Chamber of Commerce Member Spotlight: The Web Guys

Posted on: October 15, 2013

The Web Guys is a locally operated digital media agency in Carmel. It serves various small and medium sized companies throughout Indiana and the entire United States. In business for nearly a decade, The Web Guys’ primary focus is helping businesses by managing their entire Internet presence (Google, Yahoo!, Bing, Social Media, Reviews, etc.) for them so they can focus on their core business. Overseeing one’s Internet presence can be a confusing and daunting task for a business “going it alone.” Pick a trusted partner like The Web Guys and succeed online. We offer a wide variety of digital media marketing services including website design, search engine marketing & optimization, reputation management, email marketing, social media management and mobile. We keep up with new trends on the ever changing Google, Yahoo!, and Bing landscapes, and with new media outlets and Internet launches that are relevant for our clients. Just having a … Continued

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